Our Service Package Developed for Wind Power Plants and Hydroelectric Power Plants

Obtaining EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment Report) Not Required Certificate
Obtaining Forest Preliminary Permission
Preparation of Base Maps
Performance of Road Projects and Cubage Calculations
Getting Geological Surveys Made
Getting Development Plans Made
Obtaining Forest Cutting Permission
Preparation of "Soil Examination Report" for Construction Licence
Obtaining Construction Licence and Construction Permission consistent with the Development Plans
Concluding Transmission Connection Contract with TEIAS
PTL (Power Transmission Line) Route Determination and Design
Obtaining EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment Report)
Performance of Expropriation and Allocation Operations at Personal Areas and Forest Areas

Service Package Developed for Real Estate Investment and Management

Examinations at Cadastre Directorates
Obtaining Detailed Information on the Owners and Real Properties from Land Registry Offices
Determination of Relation with the Development Plan at the Relevant Municipality or Provincial Administration
Assessment of Immovable Property and Determination of Value Increasing Factors
Performance of Land Measurement and Calculation Works Shaping the Project
Analysis of the Project to be Applied
Preparation of Projects or Referring to Other Experts When Required
Formation of Project Management Team
Application of Projec

Services not included in the Package

Base Map and Bathymetric (Underwater) Map
Development Plan Applications
Expropriation Services
GIS (Geographic Information System) solutions.
3 Dimension Survey Preparation
Construction Project Applications
Infrastructure Project Solutions
Technical Consultancy
Other Cartography Solutions


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